International college prospectus

Charles Darwin University International College PROSPECTUS POWERED BY UP EDUCATION 1

st 1 for postgraduate full-time for undergraduate full-time employment outcomes employment outcomes (Good Universities Guide 2022) (Good Universities Guide 2022) % 82 in the Asia-Pacific Research at region world standard (Times Higher Education Asia- (ERA Research Excellence Pacific University Ranking 2019) Rankings 2018) in the 'Millennial Multicultural universities' 2,000 international students (Times Higher Education 2020) from more than 70 different You countries make CDU Leader in online We believe it’s the unique study experiences, perspectives, and opinions you bring (Times Higher Education 2020) that help make us a new world university you make CDU 2 CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 3

Darwin the gateway Welcome to Darwin, between Australia and BALI Northern Territory Asia DARWIN World heritage areas Contents Population: Urban Area: Climate type: Summer Winter & national parks 147 K 3,163.80 km2 Tropical Temperature: Temperature: SYDNEY 31.5°C (avg) 25.8°C (avg) 5 Welcome to Darwin 6 Charles Darwin University Flight from Darwin 8 CDU International College to Sydney - 4.5 hours Home 10 Pathway program overview Flight from Darwin to Bali - 2.5 hours to more than 70 12 International Foundation Studies nationalities 14 Degree Progressions from Foundation Studies 15 First Year Diploma Programs 17 Degree Progressions from First Year Diploma 18 Postgraduate Pathways 31% 20 Degree Progressions from MPP & MQP of people in the 21 Life on Campus area speak a language other than 23 Student Wellbeing English 24 Accommodation 25 How to enrol 26 Key dates 2023 Darwin is a unique Explore tropical city famous for its beautiful sunsets, spectacular Tropical natural scenery, cosmopolitan coastline and markets, vibrant multiculturalism, desert Indigenous culture, and fascinating history and engagement with Asia. In fact, Darwin is just a few hours away from most capital cities in South East Asia and just six hours from High southern China. demand for skilled professionals 4 CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 5

International college prospectus - Page 3

Charles Darwin Univeristy Charles Darwin University (CDU) is based From the expansive deserts in the south to the in the capital city of Darwin at the heart of tropical north and the Arafura Sea, rich in marine Australia’s tropical north and is Australia’s life, are boundless opportunities for research and closest university to Asia. exploration, including the biodiversity of the world heritage Kakadu National Park. CDU has all the advantages of a relatively young multi-sector university, including vigour, Its location, assisted by its relatively small size, has creativity and flexibility. But its true character and created a university that is collegiate, friendly and richness stem from its location in the Northern confident of its future as a leader in its chosen fields Territory of Australia, centred in Darwin: a youthful, of expertise and also as an institution that provides multicultural, cosmopolitan, and robust tropical city high-quality teaching and services in all areas of in a Territory that is steeped in Aboriginal tradition study. and culture and which enjoys a close interaction with the peoples of Southeast Asia. Charles Darwin University welcomes researchers, teachers and students from around the world, That geography and those historical connections whether postgraduate, undergraduate or help to shape and explain the University’s special technical, to share in the richness of life and study interests in both Indigenous and regional issues; opportunities that the Northern Territory offers. areas of interest that it shares with many other parts of the world: in particular, those located in tropical We believe it’s the unique experiences, climates and those where there is a meeting of perspectives and opinions you bring that help make peoples from diverse cultural backgrounds. us the new world university. CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 7

Other campuses Casuarina Campus Today CDU has more than 24,000 students spread across 10 campuses and centres in the Northern Territory, as well as in Sydney and online. CDU also delivers training in more than 170 locations across the Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. With approximately 2000 international students from more than 70 different countries, this sets the scene for a truly inclusive multicultural environment for study and career development. Successfully completion of CDU International College's pathway programs at Darwin Waterfront allows international students direct entry into progression courses at one of these Charles Charles Darwin Univeristy Darwin University's campuses. International College Casuarina Campus The Casuarina campus is our main campus, just a 15-minute drive from the Darwin CBD. Set among 56 hectares of lush tropical gardens, the Charles Darwin University International CDU International College pathway programs at campus is comprised of state-of-the-art facilities College is located in the heart of Darwin Darwin Waterfront campus include: including specialised science, engineering, health Waterfront Precinct. • International Foundation Studies Program and medical laboratories, library, and on-campus student accommodation. • Diploma of Business Studies • Diploma of Information Technology Casuarina campus is close to the beach as well Darwin Waterfront Campus • International Masters Preparation Program as Darwin's largest shopping precinct, Casuarina Our Waterfront campus offers the latest, state- • Accelerated International Masters Qualifying Square. It is serviced by regular, affordable public of-the-art facilities right in the heart of Darwin's Program transport and is connected to the suburbs and city exciting Waterfront precinct and a five-minute centre by extensive bicycle tracks. walk from the Darwin city centre. It is situated CDU Sydney Campus Campus locations around Australia near the Darwin Convention Centre, shops and We also offer free inter-campus bus services the Waterfront wave pool and lagoon, where you Sydney is ranked the fourth safest city in the between Casuarina and CDU Waterfront, for CDU International College Waterfront Campus can swim all year round. You will have easy access world*, and our Sydney campus is right in the students, during study semesters heart of the central business district in Haymarket. CDU Casuarina Campus to business, industry and Government located in (Approx. 40 mins travel by bus from Waterfront CDU Sydney Campus Darwin's CBD. This location allows you to be part of the day-to- day business world in a major capital city while Campus to Casuarina Campus). We offer innovative pathway programs designed to studying. Our Accelerated Masters Qualifying Find out more about CDU's campuses at equip you with knowledge, skills and confidence Program and ELICOS - English language courses for study and life, and provide guaranteed entry will be taught in Sydney, you will have contact with to Charles Darwin University undergraduate and a diverse student body to enrich your learning postgraduate degrees. environment. * Safe Cities Index, 2021 CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 9 8

International Foundation Studies Program: 0101533 Diploma in Business Studies: 0100739 (NT), CDU International College Diploma in Information Technology: 0100740 (NT), International Masters Preparation Program MMP: 0100442 pathway program overview Accelerated International Masters Qualifying Program (MQP): 0100444 HIGH SCHOOL BACHELOR DEGREE MASTER DEGREE LAST YEAR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 International Foundation Studies Bachelor Degree Master Degree High School Delivered by CDUIC Delivered by CDU Delivered by CDU OPTION 1 Duration 8-9 months Diploma in IT Bachelor of Computer Science Master Degree High School Delivered by Bachelor of Information Studies CDUIC Delivered by CDU OPTION 2 Duration Delivered by CDU 8-9 months Diploma in Bachelor of Business Business Studies High School Delivered by Bachelor of Digital Enterprise Master Degree CDUIC Bachelor of Accounting Delivered by CDU OPTION 3 Duration Delivered by CDU 8-9 months International Master Degree Bachelor Degree Masters Delivered by CDU High School Preparation OPTION 4 Delivered by CDU Program Check the table on page 20 for degree progressions from MPP & MQP (MPP) Delivered by CDUIC Duration 4-5 months Accelerated Master Degree International High School Bachelor Degree Masters Delivered by CDU Delivered by CDU Qualifying Check the table on page 20 for OPTION 5 Program degree progressions from MPP & MQP (MQP) CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 11 10

International Foundation Studies Program CRICOS COURSE CODE: 0101533 Core Units (3 units) Location Complete the following 3 units CDU International College, Darwin Waterfront Campus • FSP001 – English A Duration • FSP002 – English B 2 semesters • FSP003 – English C (Australian Culture and Society) Sample course progression Intakes March,July, November Specialist Elective Units (5 units) International Foundation Studies program finishing in November or February articulate into Bachelor Select 5 units from the following list. At least one degrees starting in Year 2 – Semester 1 (March). Mathematics unit from either FSP010 or FSP011 Prepare to study at university must be included. International Foundation Studies program finishing in June articulate into Bachelor degrees starting in Year 2 – Semester 2 (July) The program is a bridging course for international • FSP005 Accounting students who wish to study a university • FSP006 Economics 2023 2024 undergraduate degree but don’t yet meet the • FSP007 Marketing and Tourism academic requirements or have the English Program option J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D language proficiency required for tertiary study. • FSP008 Design • FSP009 Media Studies Degree Students study three core subjects and chose five Standard additional elective subjects. • FSP010 Mathematics with Calculus (2 semesters) Degree • FSP011 Mathematics with Statistics Degree The Foundation Studies Program is a direct • FSP012 Health Studies academic pathway to a first-year undergraduate degree. The program is designed to allow students • FSP013 Chemistry The progression schedule is indicative, please refer to our website for detailed term start, break and end dates to experience focused study in an area of special • FSP014 Physics Refer to Insert for Entry requirements and Program fees. interest or in specific subject areas to prepare them for study across the various sectors of Refer to the insert for Entry Requirements. their selected university course. The program is specifically designed to teach students a mix of skills and competencies as well as entrepreneurial, communication, leadership and teamwork skills, growing their confidence and self-management skills to support success at university and beyond. Course structure 96% Students take eight units over two semesters (four “It is essential to improve complex analytical and critical each semester). The three compulsory English CDU International College thinking skills to take part in a digital era of ongoing units are offered each semester (English A is a students successfully received technological developments. Obtaining these skills during prerequisite for English B). an offer from Charles Darwin the academic years at the university will help me as a University in the last 2 years* future specialist to deal with complex algorithms and big data to understand and create new patterns of design” Elbek, Uzbekistan, International Foundation * Based on data from CDU Report as of 07 April 2022 Studies Program CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 13

Degree progressions from Foundation Studies Program Students must achieve a 60% minimum mark in the Foundation English units A, B and C. Please find additional requirements for each Bachelor degree below STREAM COURSE TITLE DURATION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS First Year Diploma Accounting Bachelor of Accounting 3yrs Foundation Accounting unit required Arts Bachelor of Arts 3yrs None Programs Business Bachelor of Business 3yrs None Bachelor of Digital Enterprise 3yrs None CRICOS COURSE CODES: Education Bachelor of Education in Early 4yrs Achieving a minimum mark of 70% in Foundation English B and a 60% Business Studies: 0100739 (NT), Childhood Teaching (Birth-12 Years) minimum mark in Foundation English A and C. Complete satisfactory Teaching Information Technology: 0100740 (NT), Capabilities Statement, Working with Children Check. Bachelor of Education Primary 4yrs Achieving a minimum mark of 70% in Foundation English B and a 60% Health: 106621A(NT) minimum mark in Foundation English A and C. Complete satisfactory Teaching Capabilities Statement, Working with Children Check. Our Diploma Programs are two-semester courses Bachelor of Education Secondary 4yrs Achieving a minimum mark of 70% in Foundation English B and a 60% that function as an alternative first year of an minimum mark in Foundation English A and C. Complete satisfactory Teaching Capabilities Statement, Working with Children Check. undergraduate degree at CDU. The programs are Emergency Bachelor of Humanitarian Aid and 4yrs AFP National Police Clearance, Working with Children Check, First aid training for students who are close to meeting academic & Disaster Development certificate. and English entry requirements but require Management Engineering, Bachelor of Computer Science 3yrs Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and Design units are compulsory additional support in their first year of study. Information Bachelor of Engineering Honours 3yrs Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and Design units are compulsory Technology (Advanced specialist knowledge Successful completion of a Diploma Program & Network in Civil & Structural, Electrical & Engineering Electronic or Mechanical) allows for direct entry into the second year of an undergraduate degree in Business, Accounting, Bachelor of Engineering Science 3yrs Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and Design units are compulsory Digital Enterprise, Computer Science, IT. (Advanced specialist knowledge in Civil & Structural, Electrical & Electronic or Mechanical) Bachelor of Information Technology 3yrs Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and Design units are compulsory Bachelor of Software Engineering 4yrs Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and Design units are compulsory Honours Environmental Bachelor of Environmental Science 4yrs None Science Exercise and Sport Bachelor of Exercise and Sport 3yrs None Sample course progression Science Science Health Science Bachelor of Health Science 3yrs None Bachelor of Health Science/Master of 3yrs Achieve and supply evidence of the required minimum scores in one of the accepted First Year Diploma programs finishing in November or February articulate into the second year of Bachelor Occupational Therapy English language tests, and achieve a minimum mark of 80% in FSP001 English A. degrees starting in Year 2 – Semester 1 (March). Bachelor of Health Science/Master of 3yrs Achieve and supply evidence of the required minimum scores in one of the Speech and Language Therapy accepted English language tests, and achieve a minimum mark of 80% in First Year Diploma programs finishing in June articulate into Bachelor degrees starting in Year 2 – FSP001 English A. Health Services Bachelor of Health Services 4yrs None Semester 2 (July) Management Management Law and Legal Bachelor of Laws 3yrs Achieving a minimum mark of 70% in Foundation English B and a 60% minimum 2023 2024 Studies mark in Foundation English A and C. Medical Laboratory Bachelor of Medical Laboratory 3yrs AFP National Police Clearance. Foundation Chemistry and Physics units Program J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Science Science required Nursing & Bachelor of Midwifery* 3yrs Achieving and supplying evidence of the required minimum scores in one of the Degree Midwifery accepted English language tests such as IELTS (Academic) with an overall score Diploma of of 6.5 and no band less than 6.5 or equivalent and – Achieving a minimum mark Buiness Studies Degree of 80% in in Foundation English A. (2 semesters) Degree Bachelor of Nursing 3yrs Achieving and supplying evidence of the required minimum scores in one of the accepted English language tests such as IELTS (Academic) with an overall score Degree of 7.0 and no band less than 7.0 or equivalent. (Refer to the website for more Diploma of details – and – Achieving a minimum mark of 80% in Foundation English A. Information Technology Degree Public Health Bachelor of Public Health 3yrs None (2 semesters) Degree Science Bachelor of Science 4yrs None Social Science Bachelor of Social Work 4yrs Achieving a minimum mark of 70% in Foundation English B and a 60% minimum & Psychological mark in Foundation English A and C. The progression schedule is indicative, please refer to our website for detailed term start, break and end dates Science Bachelor of Psychological Science 3yrs None Refer to Insert for Entry requirements and Program fees. *March intake only. Popular Degrees CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 14 15

Diploma of Diploma of Business Studies Information Technology Bachelor of Business Degree CRICOS COURSE CODE: 0100739 (NT) CRICOS COURSE CODE: 0100740 (NT) Progressions Location Location The Bachelor of Business provides you with the CDU International College, Darwin CDU International College, Darwin skills and knowledge necessary for a successful Waterfront Campus Waterfront Campus career in the dynamic world of business. After completion of the First-Year Diploma you Duration Duration This program imparts practical knowledge and understanding may progress to the second year of one of the in the range of marketing, management, accounting, law and following degrees: 2 semesters (4 units per semester) > 14-week 2 semesters (4 units per semester) > 14-week economics disciplines that are essential for a successful business semesters (12 teaching weeks + 1 exam prep semesters (12 teaching weeks + 1 exam prep career. week + 1 exam week) week + 1 exam week) The study modules include topics such as e-commerce in the Intakes Intakes global business environment, strategic planning, international marketing, business ethics and many others. March, July, November March, July, November Course structure Course structure Bachelor of Digital Bachelor of Computer • 7 core units • 7 core units Enterprise Science • 1 specialist elective unit • 1 specialist elective unit Core units: Complete the following 7 units Core units: Complete the following 7 units The Bachelor of Digital Enterprise is a flexible, The Bachelor of Computer Science will prepare • IDC101 Academic Literacies Through Exploring • IDC101 Academic Literacies Through Exploring cutting-edge degree that combines management, you to be part of a continually evolving and diverse Sustainability Sustainability marketing and information technology. field, developing new applications and systems to • IDC102 Cultural Intelligence and Capability • IDC102 Cultural Intelligence and Capability During the course, you’ll combine practical and theory-based improve the modern world. • IDC103 Business and Professional Communications • IDC103 Business and Professional Communications learning to develop knowledge and skills in: You will develop skills and knowledge in the technical principles • IDB101 Quantitative Analysis for Business • IDI101 Computing Fundamentals global management and marketing, social and mobile aspects of and applications of computer science as well as strengthen your business, digital product innovation & development and data and problem solving, decision making and communication skills • IDB102 Introduction to Business Law • IDI102 Software Now business analytics. making you a confident and competent candidate for a role in the • IDB103 Introduction to Management • DI103 Statistics This focused combination of skills will equip you to strategically IT industry. • IDB104 Business Economics • IDI104 Operating Systems and Applications design and manage successful businesses, and give you a unique professional advantage. Specialist elective units: Choose 1 unit Specialist elective units: Choose 1 unit • IDA101 Introduction to Accounting (required for • IDB101 Quantitative Analysis for Business Accounting stream) • IDB102 Introduction to Business Law • IDM101 Fundamentals of Marketing (required for • IDB103 Introduction to Management Bachelor of Accounting Bachelor of Information Business stream) • IDB104 Business Economics Technology Successful completion of this program allows direct • IDA101 Introduction to Accounting entry into the second year of the following degree • IDM101 Fundamentals of Marketing The Bachelor of Accounting prepares you with programs: professional skills to become an accountant or The Bachelor of Information Technology will • Bachelor of Business Successful completion of this program allows direct work in a range of roles that rely on accounting prepare you to be responsible for more than just • Bachelor of Digital Enterprise entry into the second year of the following degree knowledge. systems or software; you will develop creative programs: and innovative technologies for the modern • Bachelor of Accounting The course develops your communication, presentation and world. • Bachelor of Information Technology problem-solving skills. You will learn about financial accounting, CDU Accounting degrees are CPA-accredited – • Bachelor of Computer Science. management accounting, auditing, taxation, business law, Throughout your studies, you will develop knowledge and skills successful completion allows graduates to apply corporate law, and finance. in areas such as web design and development, networking, for membership of CPA Australia, and Chartered Both qualifications are accredited by the Australian application development and systems. Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ). Computer Society (ACS). You can also choose to study business units to complement your personal interests and career options. Or, you may You will also be encouraged to be an open-minded problem Units replicate the content, delivery and assessment choose electives from other areas, including language studies, solver, a creative thinker and an engaging communicator, which of equivalent CDU degree units, along with specialised anthropology, history, social science, indigenous studies, applied will help progress your career in the IT industry. English language and academic support. science and engineering. CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 16 17

Postgraduate International Masters Accelerated International Pathways Preparation Program Masters Qualifying (MPP) Program (MQP) CRICOS COURSE CODE: 0100442 CRICOS COURSE CODE: 0100444 International students who have already completed Sample course progression three years of post-secondary school study in their MPP/MQP program finishing in June articulate into Location Location home country but may require additional support Masters degrees starting in Year 2 - Semester 2 with their English language skills can now transition CDU International College, CDU International College, into a Charles Darwin University masters program (July) Darwin Waterfront Campus Darwin Waterfront Campus, Sydney Campus in one or two semesters through a combination of MPP/MQP program finishing in November or Duration Duration discipline-specific subjects with English language February articulate into Masters degrees starting in 1 semester 1 semester support. Year 2 - Semester 1 (March) Intakes Intakes (unless progressing to Students will gain a deep understanding of the The progression schedule below is indicative, please refer graduate programs March, July, November March, July, November with S1 intake only) demands of postgraduate study and learn the to our website for detailed term start, break and end date; processes, expectations and methods for success Refer to Insert for Entry requirements before their masters program begins. and Program fees Students with a Bachelor degree from their home The course focuses on developing academic country are academically ready for postgraduate knowledge and skills, including acculturation to study in Australia but may require additional studying Business and IT in Australia, English for support with their English language skills. postgraduate studies and critical thinking. 2023 2024 The Masters Preparation Program (MPP) prepares This course will develop advanced knowledge these students to meet the entry criteria for and skills in business communication, business Program J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D masters programs at CDU by developing advanced ethics, organisational security and enterprise IT skills in academic writing, research, critical thinking management. It is designed to enable you to read, Masters Degree and intercultural communication. write, communicate and critically analyse higher Preparation Degree level concepts and complex issues in a discipline Program In one semester, students gain a deep specific context. (1 semester) Degree understanding of the demands of postgraduate Accelerated Degree study and learn the processes, expectations and You will further develop skills in reflective, Masters methods for success before their English-language autonomous and collaborative practices to Qualifying Degree Program masters program begins. successfully engage in learning and assessment (1 semester) Degree activities at postgraduate level. An underlying Course structure: 4 graduate skill units philosophy of the course is that academic studies Complete the following 4 Core units: at postgraduate level is a social and contextual activity that requires developing appropriate • MQP001 Academic Skills and Communication attitudes and behaviours towards studying, fellow • MQP002 Intercultural Skills and Communication students and the wider academic community. • MQP003 Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Studies The course will help you achieve the CDU graduate • MQP004 English for Postgraduate Studies quality outcomes and reflect the values of CDU “Many of the studies required me to research and practise critical and analytical thinking, which Course structure: 4 discipline-specific units resonates well with real-world situations. Some units Complete the following 4 Core units: I did enjoy were Entrepreneurship, Market Research and Organisational Behaviour.” • MQP005 Business Communication Ellie, Vietnam, Master of Business • MQP006 Business Ethics Administration • MQP007 Enterprise IT Management • MQP008 Organisational Security CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 19

CDU postgraduate entry Life on campus Nature Surrounded by national requirements from MPP & MQP Located at the Waterfront Campus, our students parks and thousands of enjoy living and learning in a fantastic location with species of flora & fauna. Students who successfully complete the International Masters Preparation Program (MPP) or Accelerated easy access to business, industry and government International Masters Qualifying Program (MQP) gain direct entry to the following postgraduate programs located in Darwin’s city centre, close to all the at Charles Darwin University. amenities for study and leisure activities Adventure The table below includes additional requirements for some programs. Please contact CDU International The campus is home to Asia Pacific College of Walk, swim, sail or fly College if you have any questions about a pathway to a particular postgraduate program. Business & Law and the CDU International College. to experience the region’s dramatic landscapes. DURATION PROGRESSION PROGRESSION You will enjoy: STREAM POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS AT CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY FULL TIME LOCATIONS FROM MPP FROM MQP Master of Professional Accounting 1.5 yrs Waterfront Darwin ü ü • cafés and dining venues in close walking proximity Accounting • student lounges History Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice) 2 yrs Waterfront Darwin ü ü The Northern Territory tells Graduate Certificate of Arts 0.5 yrs Casuarina ü • library access services a unique story of ancient Arts • transport services, including a bus stop at the Master of Arts 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü art and culture. Master of Business Administration Sustainable Enterprise 1.5 yrs Waterfront Darwin ü ü front of the campus Business Master of Business Administration Sustainable Leadership 2 yrs Waterfront Darwin ü ü • prayer room Emergency Graduate Diploma of Emergency and Disaster Management 1 yr Casuarina ü ü & Disaster Management Master of Emergency and Disaster Management 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü Master of Data Science 2 yrs Sydney, Casuarina ü ü Master of Engineering (Civil and Structural) 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü Engineering, Master of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü Information Technology Master of Engineering (Mechanical engineer) 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü & Network Master of Information Technology (Cyber Security) 2 yrs Sydney, Casuarina ü ü Engineering Master of Information Technology (Information Systems) 2 yrs Sydney, Casuarina ü ü Master of Information Technology (Software Engineering) 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü Environmental Master of Environmental Management 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü Science Graduate Diploma of Health Research 1 yr Casuarina ü ü Health Research Master of Health Research 1.5 yrs Casuarina ü ü Health Science Master of Nutrition* 2 yrs Casuarina ü Indigenous Graduate Diploma of Indigenous Policy Development 1 yr Casuarina ü ü Knowledges Master of Public Policy 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü Medical Laboratory Master of Medical Laboratory Science 2 yrs Casuarina ü Science Nursing & Master of Nursing Practice (Pre-registration)* 2 yrs Casuarina ü Midwifery Master of Midwifery 1.5 yrs Sydney ü Graduate Certificate of Infectious Disease Prevention and 0.5 yrs Casuarina ü Control Graduate Diploma of Public Health 1 yr Casuarina ü ü Public Health Master of Public Health 1.5 yrs Casuarina ü ü Master of Public Health/ Master of Health Research 2 yrs Casuarina ü ü *Additional requirements: Master of Nutrition - Achieving an overall score of 7.0 and no band less than 7.0 or equivalent. Master of Nursing Practice (Pre-Registration) - Achieving an overall score of 7.0 and no band less than 7.0 or equivalent. CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 20

“On-campus learning at CDU is relatively new to me and unique; it does feel different from where I came Student wellbeing from; nonetheless, the lessons and discussions are substantial and educational. Also, our facilitators/ teachers are very helpful and approachable. You can feel their full support and guidance; ask anything The college and staff are dedicated to ensuring kindly, and they will provide an answer if possible." the best possible study outcomes for our students and a smooth transition into undergraduate or Keiru, Philippines, Bachelor of postgraduate level programs here at the university. Nursing Administration All students studying at CDU International College have access to a dedicated student support service which provides personalized support, guidance and “I took Foundation Studies for two referrals related to: semesters at CDU International College. I took a 2 year gap from • Counselling school after graduating year 12 in • Disability/health condition the Philippines. Taking the pathway • Student advocacy program really helped me prepare • Careers and employability to go back to school. It was an easy transition from foundation studies to • Staying well my bachelors degree.” • International student support Lady, Philippines, Bachelor of Psychological Science Estimated weekly expenses for a single student (AUD) International Shared Rental House Darwin (IHD) Accomodation Accomodation Rent 175-228 150-350 300-1000 Utilities Included in rent 15-30 40-60 (gas, electricity, water) Internet Included in rent 10-20 20-40 Refundable deposit - 600-1400 1200-4000 (bond) (in advance) (in advance) Food and groceries 80-200 80-200 80-200 Public transport 7 7 7 Entertainment 40-60 40-60 40-60 TOTAL 295-488 302-667 487-1367 The cost of living in Australia varies from city to city depending on where you live and your lifestyle choices, and students should not expect to fund their studies or living costs in Australia through part-time employment only. The Australian Government provides information on living costs in Australia for students. For further and most up to date details, please visit 22 CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 23

Accommodation options How to apply CDU International House Darwin (IHD) CDU Accommodation services can help you International House Darwin (IHD) is part of the at every step of the way. Go to International Houses network in Australia and accommodation-services Step 1 Apply Step 4 Accept overseas. IHD Casuarina campus is a way of life UniLodge Darwin and a residential community for both local and international students. People come together to UniLodge Darwin student accommodation is a not only learn and study, but build relationships, great option for students studying at Casuarina, Visit to apply direct, or Each letter of offer has instructions on personal journeys, and their future. Palmerston or Darwin Waterfront. It neighbours contact your local education agent for help. what to do next, including how to accept the Casuarina Shopping Centre and is only a five- and lodge fee payment. Note that students under 18 must stay at IHD. minute walk to the Casuarina campus. International House Darwin is: It is a purpose-built student accommodation • within easy walking distance a major shopping building, offering residents a large range of room Step 2 Submit area. options at different rates. documents Step 5 Visa • equipped with computer facilities, study rooms, Unilodge has the following features: recreational areas. • well-equipped standard rooms, some with ensuite • great recreation room with pool tables and table options. tennis • Copy of passport • large media room with 70inch LED TV • Proof of English language proficiency Once you accept your offer, CDU will issue • including swimming pool. an Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment, • outdoor terrace with BBQs • Statement of purpose which you can use to apply for your Private accommodation • study rooms on every level • Resume/CV student visa. CDU can assist you in finding suitable private student • situated on Darwin's largest shopping precinct, • Scholarship application form(s) accommodation in Darwin, either individually or Casuarina Shopping Centre. • Other supporting documents shared with other students. Step 6 Start Step 3 Offer Mark orientation on your calendar and prepare to begin your studies at CDU Upon successful assessment of your application, International College. you will be issued a conditional or unconditional offer of study. Questions? Email: international. [email protected] Visit: applying/how-to-apply/ 24 24 CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 25

Key dates 2023 Semester 1 2023 Last date to submit offshore applications 22 February 2023 *Note: It might be possible to consider some applications on a case by case basis if the Last date to submit onshore applications 01 March 2023 deadline is past, please check with admissions team for further details. Teaching begins 06 March 2023 Students outside of Australia should take into account visa processing times before applying Semester 2 2023 for their preferred intake. It is strongly advised that they allow at least three months for this. Last date to submit offshore applications 28 June 2023 Last date to submit onshore applications 05 July 2023 Teaching begins 10 July 2023 Semester 3 2023 Last date to submit offshore applications 25 October 2023 Last date to submit onshore applications 1 November 2023 Teaching begins 6 November 2023 26 CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University

All programs at Charles Darwin University International College are delivered by UP Education. UP Education partners with leading universities in New Zealand and Australia to provide learning pathways to international students, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to excel at English-language universities. Every effort was made to present accurate information in this 2023 CDU International College Prospectus at the time of publication 28 September 2022. UP Education reserves the right to change information without notice where this is considered necessary or desirable. UP Education complies with the Education Services for Overseas Students framework. For more information, visit For more information W: E: [email protected] To apply 28 POWERED BY UP EDUCATION CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University