“On-campus learning at CDU is relatively new to me and unique; it does feel different from where I came Student wellbeing from; nonetheless, the lessons and discussions are substantial and educational. Also, our facilitators/ teachers are very helpful and approachable. You can feel their full support and guidance; ask anything The college and staff are dedicated to ensuring kindly, and they will provide an answer if possible." the best possible study outcomes for our students and a smooth transition into undergraduate or Keiru, Philippines, Bachelor of postgraduate level programs here at the university. Nursing Administration All students studying at CDU International College have access to a dedicated student support service which provides personalized support, guidance and “I took Foundation Studies for two referrals related to: semesters at CDU International College. I took a 2 year gap from • Counselling school after graduating year 12 in • Disability/health condition the Philippines. Taking the pathway • Student advocacy program really helped me prepare • Careers and employability to go back to school. It was an easy transition from foundation studies to • Staying well my bachelors degree.” • International student support Lady, Philippines, Bachelor of Psychological Science Estimated weekly expenses for a single student (AUD) International Shared Rental House Darwin (IHD) Accomodation Accomodation Rent 175-228 150-350 300-1000 Utilities Included in rent 15-30 40-60 (gas, electricity, water) Internet Included in rent 10-20 20-40 Refundable deposit - 600-1400 1200-4000 (bond) (in advance) (in advance) Food and groceries 80-200 80-200 80-200 Public transport 7 7 7 Entertainment 40-60 40-60 40-60 TOTAL 295-488 302-667 487-1367 The cost of living in Australia varies from city to city depending on where you live and your lifestyle choices, and students should not expect to fund their studies or living costs in Australia through part-time employment only. The Australian Government provides information on living costs in Australia for students. For further and most up to date details, please visit studyaustralia.gov.au/english/live/living-costs 22 CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 23