Charles Darwin Univeristy Charles Darwin University (CDU) is based From the expansive deserts in the south to the in the capital city of Darwin at the heart of tropical north and the Arafura Sea, rich in marine Australia’s tropical north and is Australia’s life, are boundless opportunities for research and closest university to Asia. exploration, including the biodiversity of the world heritage Kakadu National Park. CDU has all the advantages of a relatively young multi-sector university, including vigour, Its location, assisted by its relatively small size, has creativity and flexibility. But its true character and created a university that is collegiate, friendly and richness stem from its location in the Northern confident of its future as a leader in its chosen fields Territory of Australia, centred in Darwin: a youthful, of expertise and also as an institution that provides multicultural, cosmopolitan, and robust tropical city high-quality teaching and services in all areas of in a Territory that is steeped in Aboriginal tradition study. and culture and which enjoys a close interaction with the peoples of Southeast Asia. Charles Darwin University welcomes researchers, teachers and students from around the world, That geography and those historical connections whether postgraduate, undergraduate or help to shape and explain the University’s special technical, to share in the richness of life and study interests in both Indigenous and regional issues; opportunities that the Northern Territory offers. areas of interest that it shares with many other parts of the world: in particular, those located in tropical We believe it’s the unique experiences, climates and those where there is a meeting of perspectives and opinions you bring that help make peoples from diverse cultural backgrounds. us the new world university. CRICOS Provider No. 00300K (NT/VIC) I 03286A (NSW) | RTO Provider No. 0373 | PRV12069 | Australian University 7