AA ne neww wworld univorld universityersity Online study buddies Study Enjoy seamless, interactive collaboration with your peers, tutors and lecturers on Learnline. Jump into support forums, join discussion boards and chat online with your fellow students – any time of the day or night, wherever across Australia and beyond. Free career advice The Careers and Employment team offer expert you are advice and online tools to help you find a job, understand your work style, build your CV, practise Whether you study online or on job interviews, and more. campus, you’ll be surrounded by Free academic skills programs a network of study buddies and Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are online and support services to help keep on campus group study sessions run by students, you motivated, focused and for students. Students who have successfully on-track with your studies. completed the same unit will teach you new study skills, assessment techniques and exam preparation strategies. The Academic Language and Learning Success Program (ALLSP) is a free, confidential academic skills service to help you improve your study skills and understand what your assignments require. Get advice at drop-in sessions, personal appointments, online tutorials, or workshops. Support for First Nations students A dedicated First Nations Student Services team provides multi-layered support to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in achieving their tertiary education goals. This includes free tutoring, support with travelling away from home, application processes, scholarship applications and more. Student Central dream team Student Central is your one-stop spot for support and guidance. You can phone, email or visit them for advice on admissions, timetabling, enrolling, exams, course fees and payments, study plans, scholarships, and more. Log on to the library Online and on campus students have 24/7 access to library resources. Professional library staff are ready to help over the phone, via email, or face-to-face on most campuses. Equal access A dedicated Equity Services team provides free and confidential counselling, services and support for students with a disability and/or health condition. This may include providing adjustments to your study conditions, course materials in other formats, or assistive technology. CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivveersrsiittyy 55 22002233 u unndederrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses