24/7 academic and technical Easy-to-use support Access your very own study-specific online tutoring online service, including feedback on draft assignments to help you learn and improve. We also offer round- the-clock technical support via email, call and chat classroom to ensure you stay connected. Charles Darwin University Collaborate effectively is a national leader in online Find clear, simple and responsive learning tools to learning. Whether you study collaborate and manage your time more effectively. online or on campus, you’ll have access to our online learning platform, Learnline. It’s powered Choose your format by world-class technology and Access your learning materials in text, video or a team of staff and academics audio. who have been delivering and supporting online study for Due date reminders decades. Stay organised with Learnline’s calendar, which automatically keeps track of due dates for your assessments and exams. Choose how you’d like to be reminded of tasks, assessments, exams and grades. Access on any device Attend your lectures and access learning materials on desktop, laptop or mobile device. Upload your assignments from anywhere and on any device. Stream live or catch up later Take part in interactive lectures and group discussions live or download recordings or resources to access later. Join our social media community facebook.com/charlesdarwinuniversity @charlesdarwinuniversity @CDUni linkedin.com/school/charles-darwin-university 44 CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivversersiittyy 22002233 u unndederrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses