A new world university Join us to build the new world We are a university that will empower and support you. Whether you’re looking for part-time online study, or you want to build face-to-face connections with a tight-knit campus community, there’s a place for You at CDU. 100% flexible Graduate job-ready with a salary to match Because we value your life experience, we offer flexible The 2022 Good University Guide ranks Charles Darwin study options so you don’t have to put your life on hold. University as a top two university in Australia for graduate You can study online – in most cases, 100% online – or employment outcomes. on campus, part-time or full-time, and you can switch Through a combination of innovative online learning, between these options during your degree. practical placements, expert lecturers, strong industry You’ll have access to an easy-to-use online study platform, links and student support, our degrees prepare you for 24/7 academic and technical support, and lecturers and the real world of work and beyond. staff who know how to support you from a distance. After Personal and supportive all, Charles Darwin University has been delivering online and distance education for more than 30 years. Charles Darwin University offers small class sizes, so you will be more than just a student number. Our lecturers and tutors give you the attention and support you need to succeed in your studies. They are never more than a phone call, email or appointment away. Rest assured, they'll work hard to get to know you and support your study goals. “I'm in control of my own path to obtain my degree. Although CDU provides a recommended study plan, I've been able to shape my own to suit my interests and possibly let me finish my degree sooner.” – Nancy, CDU Arts Degree student, who has chosen to focus on architectural and interior design. CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivveersrsiittyy 33 22002233 u unndederrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses