On Campus Today, Charles Darwin University has more than 22,000 students spread across 10 campuses and centres spanning the Northern Territory, Sydney and all of Australia as they study online. A range of facilities are available on campus, these can also be accessed by online students who live nearby. → cafes and dining options → student lounges → student advocacy → childcare → IT kiosk → a range of accommodation options → sports facilities, such as tennis courts and covered basketball courts → gardens and green open spaces → a well-equipped library with computers → CDU bookshop for all of your textbook needs. Convenient accommodation On campus → International House Darwin, located on the Casuarina campus, offers a relaxed and vibrant community with students from all corners of Australia and the world calling it home. → Alice Springs Student Accommodation offers single and twin-share rooms, with communal kitchens, a self-service laundry, and WIFI. → Katherine Student Accommodation offers single rooms that can be inclusive of meal options if required. Residents have access to a recreation room, dining room, sports oval, and pool. Off campus → UniLodge offers modern student apartments located just 800 metres from our Casuarina campus. → The Equity Services team can also help you find off- campus accommodation. 66 CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivversersiittyy 22002233 u unndederrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses