Entry requirements that recognise your achievements Each university course has its own entry requirements - if you've achieved the required ATAR and meet the requirements you can apply directly into the course of your choice. But perhaps you didn’t ace Year 12, decided to start your career with a trade, parked your first degree to go travelling, or you already have great professional experience in your industry. We welcome and celebrate unique paths like these, which is why we offer a range of non-traditional, flexible entry requirements. For most of our undergraduate degrees, you can apply on the basis of: An Australian Tertiary Entrance Rank (ATAR) of 60 or higher A Vocational Education and Training (VET) or TAFE Certificate IV or higher A score of 135 on the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) Successfully completing at least one semester of full-time study of a university degree or diploma Successfully completing a recognised university preparation course, such as our free Tertiary Enabling Program Your work or industry experience, outlined in a personal competencies or employment experience statement. Some undergraduate degrees have higher admission requirements, Find out more at cdu.edu.au/study Returning to study with us If you’ve previously completed a VET Certificate III or higher, Tertiary Enabling Program or Undergraduate degree at Charles Darwin University, you can apply for your next course directly rather than via SATAC or UAC. MyNextCourse is an easy, online portal that allows you to apply faster, avoid SATAC or UAC application fees, and receive your offer sooner. Visit mynextcourse.cdu.edu.au 88 CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivversersiittyy 22002233 u unndederrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses