A new world university English language requirements To gain entry into Charles Darwin University, all Higher Education applicants must satisfy the University's English Language Proficiency Requirements for their chosen course. International students will be required to supply evidence of this at the time of application. English language requirements can often be met if you have: previously studied in an English-speaking country or undertaken an English test approved by CDU. For more information please visit your course page at cdu.edu.au/study If you have a question regarding English requirements at CDU email: [email protected] Study pathways Don't meet the entry requirements? Don't worry, at CDU there is a study pathway for everyone. CDU’s pathway programs are suitable for students at all levels of education and English proficiency. We provide clear pathways and easy transition between courses from vocational through to postgraduate study. CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivveersrsiittyy 99 22002233 u unndederrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses

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