CHARACTERISTICS STUDENT DEMAND Student demand is based on the premise that Using The University of Melbourne as an example, students with higher entrance scores have more this table represents all the scores achieved by options open to them than students with lower all the students who commenced a bachelor scores. If the students with high scores can degree in 2019. We have separated them into 10 theoretically go to any university, where are they increments, where the top 10% of scores achieved choosing to go? comprise the first decile, the next 10% the second decile, and so on. This rating is indicative of school-leavers who were enrolled on entrance score only. It does not To achieve the ratings and determine the five-star reflect demand from other types of commencing universities, each decile is given a weighted score. students, such as those with VET qualifications. A university that enrols more students with scores in the top deciles will achieve a higher weighted In the chart below, High Scores comprises the top score. 20% of scores in Australia, the Medium Scores refer to the middle 60%, while the Low Scores are 55% of students who commenced a bachelor the bottom 20%. degree at The University of Melbourne had scores in the top two deciles, therefore it's considered to This rating is based on the mean decile ATAR of be higher in demand than other universities. commencing students at each university in 2019. ***** 5 STAR UNIVERSITIES w > ::::, 0 w >- I z U) w U) ::::, <( I >- ::::, I >- z ::::, ::::, w w w z ::::, ::f 0 (!) ·c 5 w ::::, U) >- 0 0:: U) U) U) � z _J en � z � z z u u U) u z ::::, u 0 > U) ii: ;::: z t:: :iE S2 ::::, <( ..., >- z <( <( 0 <( w w ·c ::::, u <( 0:: 0:: 0 z 0:: z ::::, 0:: :;;: <( 0 0 0 LI... <( 0:: <( U) 0 _J z 0 ::::, 0 LI... w ::::, 0:: 0 ::::, _J 0 u w � :::, ::::, ::::, :::;: (!) U) en <( > 0 w z u en >- > u U) 0:: z 0 0:: 0 ii: u 0 U) z z U) 0 ::::; z :::;: ::::, w w w u 0 (!) en LI... <( s: :'.:S <( � :::;; z _J z 0 w <( -' _J u � w 0:: w :::, :::;; :E en z w LI... 0 w 0 U) >- z s: U) :::, w U) 5 I� Ii I�