INDEX PG AREA OF STUDY COURSE TITLE COMMONWEALTH FULL FEE CAMPUS MODE ADMISSION NOTE SUPPORTED TYPE UNDERGRADUATE COURSES (CONTINUED) 25 COMPUTING Bachelor of Computer Science/ SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 5 AND Master of Information Technology 104492 590130 25 INFORMATION Bachelor of Computer Science SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 1, 5 TECHNOLOGY 104491 590260 26 Bachelor of Information Technology SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 104601 590370 26 Bachelor of Software Engineering SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 Honours 104741 590120 27 Associate Degree of Information SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 5 and Communication Technology 115111 592030 27 Associate Degree of Network SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 5 Engineering 115121 592050 28 Diploma of Network Engineering SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 5 116121 591080 29 EDUCATION AND Bachelor of Education in Early SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 TEACHING Childhood Teaching (Birth-12 Years) 104641 590290 30 Bachelor of Education Primary SATAC UAC 104501 590300 Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 144111 590304 Batchelor Internal 2, 3 31 Bachelor of Education Secondary SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 104511 590310 32 Diploma of Educational Studies SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 - Early Childhood Education and 116271 591120 Care - Primary Education 116281 591150 - Secondary Education 116291 591160 33 ENGINEERING Bachelor of Engineering Science/ SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 Master of Engineering - Civil and Structural 104451 590140 - Electrical and Electronics 104461 590150 - Mechanical 104471 590160 34 Bachelor of Engineering Honours SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1 S2 - Civil and Structural 104391 590200 - Electrical and Electronics 104401 590210 - Mechanical 104411 590220 35 Bachelor of Engineering Science SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 - Civil and Structural 104421 590320 - Electrical and Electronics 104431 590330 - Mechanical 104441 590340 36 Associate Degree of Engineering SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 - Civil and Structural 115171 592060 - Electrical and Electronics 115181 592070 - Mechanical 115191 592080 37 Diploma of Engineering SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 116211 591030 38 ENVIRONMENTAL Bachelor of Environmental Science SATAC UAC Casuarina, Online Internal, External S1, S2 1, 5 STUDIES 104531 590450 Charles Darwin University 129 2023 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees