A new world university Application FAQs What is the difference between applying and enrolling? Applying is the first step towards university. It refers to submitting an application for a course. Enrolling happens once your application has been processed, and you have received an offer and accepted a place. Enrolling generally requires you to activate your student account and choose your units. When do I need to apply? The application closing dates change from year to year, depending on the start date of each semester. Generally you can apply right up to the week before classes start, but don’t leave it to the last minute! You should aim to apply by SATAC or UAC cut-off dates. This will give you the best chance at securing a place, and allow ample time for your application to be processed and to enrol in classes. Do I have to pay an application fee when I apply for a course? If you are applying to study with us via SATAC or UAC, there is an application fee. This fee is charged by SATAC or UAC. If you are a returning Charles Darwin University student, you may be eligible to apply via MyNextCourse. There is no fee for this. Visit mynextcourse.cdu.edu.au to check your eligibility. Who can apply for a scholarship? Scholarships are not only for high achievers. All students at Charles Darwin University can apply for a scholarship as long as you meet the scholarship’s eligibility criteria. How do I apply for credit transfer? You can request a credit transfer once you have applied for a course at Charles Darwin University and accepted an offer to study with us. Once this is done, you can lodge an application for credit transfer and supply the required documentation. CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivveersrsiittyy 1111 22002233 u unnddeerrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses