ENABLING COURSES First Nations Pre-Accounting Program First Nations Pre-Business Program COURSE CODE – ZIPAP1 COURSE CODE – ZIPBP1 Waterfront Darwin Waterfront Darwin DURATION – 4 weeks full-time DURATION – 4 weeks full-time DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1 DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1 ABOUT THE COURSE ABOUT THE COURSE The Charles Darwin University (CDU) Asia Pacific College of The Charles Darwin University (CDU) Asia Pacific College of Business and Law delivers a First Nations pre-accounting and Business and Law delivers a First Nations pre-business and mentoring program, commencing in January each year. The mentoring program, commencing in January each year. The program is made up of two components; a 4-week full-time program is made up of two components; a 4-week full-time intensive pre-accounting program delivered on-campus at the intensive pre-business program delivered on-campus at the Asia Asia Pacific College of Business and Law, and an ongoing individual Pacific College of Business and Law, and an ongoing individual and and group mentoring component. group mentoring component. Successful completion of the program provides candidates with Successful completion of the program provides candidates with a pathway into the CDU Bachelor of Accounting or approved VET a pathway into the CDU Bachelor of Business or approved VET accounting programs. business programs. Delivered by a dedicated facilitator with both professional Delivered by a dedicated facilitator with both professional accounting expertise and experience in delivering training and expertise and experience in delivering training and education to education to First Nations learners, the delivery and materials are First Nations learners, the delivery and materials are tailored to tailored to meet the learning styles and needs of First Nations meet the learning styles and needs of First Nations learners. learners. In addition to the skills developed during the pre-accounting In addition to the skills developed during the pre-business program, the program also supports students to be successful in program, the program also supports students to be successful their subsequent accounting studies by familiarising them with in their subsequent business studies by familiarising them with the higher education accounting environment and expectations the higher education academic environment and expectations for study. The relationships built with other pre-accounting and for study. The relationships built with other pre-accounting and pre-business students and lecturers will also provide successful pre-business students and lecturers will also provide successful candidates with a supportive network from the very first day of candidates with a supportive network from the very first day of their studies. their studies. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS This course is only available for First Nations peoples who would This course is only available for First Nations peoples who would like like to pursue a career in accounting and be supported through to pursue a career in business and be supported through peer-to- peer-to-peer learning and mentoring. peer learning and mentoring. Charles Darwin University 16 2023 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees