HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES Master of Arts Master of Emergency and SATAC CODE – 1CM098 Disaster Management Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) SATAC CODE – 1CM117 SATAC CODE – 1CM598 Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) SATAC CODE – 1CM617 UAC CODE – 823270 Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) UAC CODE – 823280 UAC CODE – 873270 Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) UAC CODE – 873280 DURATION – 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) DURATION – 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1, Semester 2 DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1, Semester 2 ABOUT THE COURSE The Master of Arts is a flexible, postgraduate degree that allows ABOUT THE COURSE you to undertake a bespoke research project on a topic of your The Master of Emergency and Disaster Management qualifies choice. It will equip you with deep knowledge to bolster your CV, you with the skills and knowledge to work as an emergency and demonstrate your expertise and prepare you for a PhD should you disaster management professional in a variety of contexts. This wish to continue your studies. in-depth and unique program draws upon the expertise and At CDU, you can choose a research topic that aligns with one of practical experience of researchers and practitioners working the following focus areas: from Australia's gateway to Indonesia and Southeast Asia which > Cultural and creative research is arguably one of the regions of the world most prone to, and > Indigenous research methodologies affected by, various types of disasters. This course focuses on > Indigenous policy development informed practice and research, and critically examines issues > Indigenous engagement through a multi-sectoral lens to explore the ways in which > Yolgnu languages and culture. different professional and cultural perspectives may shape emergency and disaster management work. You'll benefit from access to an expert, dedicated research During the course you will: supervisor, who will support you to think critically and creatively. > Gain the essential knowledge and skills required to lead and You'll be guided to shape a research thesis or piece of coursework manage all phases of the disaster management cycle that is unique, carefully considered and robust in its findings. > Learn how to confidently apply your academic studies to In a world where opinions are rife, but facts and considered practical responses thought may not be, your ability to critically evaluate ideas, > Learn how to apply your skills, knowledge and experience in concepts and information will set you apart. a way that's appropriate, collaborative and productive in the CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Asia Pacific region and beyond A Master of Arts is a great way to deepen and strengthen your > Have the opportunity to tailor your course by choosing from a knowledge and skills across a wide range of professional careers broad range of specialised electives and drawing on relevant from the creative arts to Indigenous policy. The course offers the study opportunities both at CDU and elsewhere opportunity to credit the work you are doing on existing projects > Acquire the technical, managerial and leadership skills to towards your study. progress your current career or take a new professional direction. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Successful completion of a recognised bachelor degree, graduate Successful completion of a recognised bachelor degree, graduate certificate, graduate diploma, master's degree, or equivalent certificate, graduate diploma, masters degree or equivalent international qualification. international qualification. Applicants who don't meet the entry requirements, are advised to consider applying for the Graduate INHERENT REQUIREMENTS Certificate of Emergency and Disaster Management or contact Inherent requirements apply to this course. the course coordinator in the College of Indigenous Futures, See for details. Education and the Arts by email to for further advice. INHERENT REQUIREMENTS Inherent requirements apply to this course. See for details. Charles Darwin University 93 2023 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees

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