ENABLING COURSES Preparation for Tertiary Success 1 Preparation for Tertiary Success 2 COURSE CODE – ZPTS11 COURSE CODE – ZPTS21 Casuarina, DPC Alice Springs Casuarina DURATION – 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time DURATION – 6 months full-time, 1 year part-time DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1, Semester 2 DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1, Semester 2 ABOUT THE COURSE ABOUT THE COURSE Preparation for Tertiary Success 1 is a tertiary enabling course Preparation for Tertiary Success 2 (PTS) is an advanced level tertiary providing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with enabling course providing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander a culturally supported pathway to university readiness. The students with a culturally supported pathway to university readiness. course integrates Indigenous and Western knowledges and the The course integrates Indigenous and Western knowledges and the development of life-long learning skills such as: coping with development of life-long learning skills such as: coping with change, change, making meaningful links, asking critical questions, making meaningful links, asking critical questions, expressing expressing creativity, strengthening learning relationships, creativity, strengthening learning relationships, building resilience building resilience and developing strategic learning awareness. and developing strategic learning awareness. This program introduces you to the culture of higher education This program introduces you to the culture of higher education and builds the academic skills needed to achieve success in your and builds the academic skills needed to achieve success in your studies. studies. This course is for you if: This course is for you if: > you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; > you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; > you have not completed year 12; > you have not completed year 12; > you have completed year 12 but did not receive the required > you have completed year 12 but did not receive the required ATAR score; ATAR score; > you have completed a Certificate III or IV course or can > you have completed a Certificate III or IV course or can demonstrate sufficient skills and knowledge to undertake demonstrate sufficient skills and knowledge to undertake studies; studies; > you have not studied for a long time and want to refresh your > you have not studied for a long time and want to refresh your academic skills. academic skills. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ENTRY REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for the Preparation for Tertiary Success Program All applicants must complete the diagnostic task. On successful (PTS), you must be 18 or over by the census date of the relevant completion of the task, an offer is made for Preparation for semester and of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. You Tertiary Success 2 to ensure academic literacies/numeracies and will need Year 10 or Year 11 standard. If you are a mature person knowledges are at the required level for an enabling course of without Year 10 or 11, you can apply on the basis of your skills study at the advanced level. and experience. This course is being reviewed and may be amended for 2023. This course is being reviewed and may be amended for 2023. Charles Darwin University 18 2023 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees