A new world university Choosing a course This guide details the undergraduate and postgraduate courses on offer at CDU in 2022-23. Courses are offered in the study areas of: → Aboriginal and Australian Studies → Humanities and Social Sciences → Business and Economics → Law and Legal Studies → Computing and Information Technology → Medicine and Health → Education and Teaching → Science and Mathematics → Engineering → Tertiary Enabling Programs. → Environmental Studies Each course offers a unique mix of components and varies in both the subject units and teaching mode. We offer online and on-campus study options, giving you the choice to study where, when and how it suits you. What should I study? There are many factors to consider when you're deciding what to study. What do you enjoy? Students who enjoy their subjects tend to do well at university. What are you career goals? If you have a specific career in mind, research the qualifications you'll need to work in that field or role. Take time to browse this brochure and consider your options. Course key The course key on each subject will help you understand the course components. Course title Master of Public Health SATAC CODE – 1CM102 Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) Codes you will need to apply SATAC CODE – 1CM602 Available study locations Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) (choose online or on campus) UAC CODE – 823180 Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) UAC CODE – 873180 Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) Time to complete (choose part-time or full-time) DURATION – 1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time When you can start your course DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1, Semester 2 CCharharlleess D Dararwwiinn U Unniivveersrsiittyy 1313 22002233 u unndederrgrgraadduuaattee a anndd p poossttgrgraadduuaattee de degrgreeeses