MEDICINE AND HEALTH Bachelor of Midwifery must be done in your local community due to the many months of a woman's journey. It also requires access to your local hospitals SATAC CODE – 104481 who may or may not support you to visit their facilities. Casuarina, Online It is important to be aware that: > In order to progress in the course, you are required to attend DURATION – 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time placements. > All placements are arranged by CDU. DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1 > Placements may include morning, evening, night, weekend and public holiday shifts. They may be scheduled shifts or on- ABOUT THE COURSE call shifts. > Non-attendance at placement may only occur in extenuating The Bachelor of Midwifery is a professionally-accredited degree circumstances which, for the purpose of placements, do not that qualifies you to register as a midwife. It is recognised as an include childcare and work commitments. approved program of study by the Nursing and Midwifery Board Safe practice of Australia. At CDU, you can study a Bachelor of Midwifery online To study a Bachelor of Midwifery, you will need to have an with intensive weeks (clinical teaching blocks) or on campus, full- inherent set of requirements. These are the essential abilities, time or part-time, as you learn from experts in the field. knowledge and skills needed to achieve course learning outcomes As a graduate of the Bachelor of Midwifery, you will be ready to and to be able to safely practice as a midwife. provide woman-centred, evidence-based care for women, babies Potential applicants are advised that midwifery is a profession and families throughout the childbearing journey in a variety of which places considerable physical and psychological demands settings, with a particular focus on rural, remote and Indigenous. on the individual however the rewards of the profession can be You will help to promote the health and wellbeing of women and profound. their families by supporting the woman's childbearing choices Reporting obligations and providing expertise around pregnancy, birth, postnatal and Under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, CDU is the newborn period. You will also be prepared to collaborate required to register midwifery students with the Australian Health with other health professionals to continue midwifery care in Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and to notify AHPRA if a complex situations. student has or develops a health impairment that may place the CDU's Bachelor of Midwifery is aligned with the International public at substantial risk of harm. Students have obligations under Confederation of Midwive's definition of a midwife, and is suited the National Law and are expected to understand their obligations to motivated, determined and organised students. prior to enrolling. More information on Student Registration is Studying a Bachelor of Midwifery online available on the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia website. CDU is one of the largest providers of online midwifery and Pre-Clinical Requirements nursing degrees. We have been delivering distance education for You must provide proof that you have met all university and more than 30 years. State/Territory pre-clinical requirements before starting clinical As an online midwifery student, you will have access to extensive placements. These requirements include, but are not limited to: technical and academic support, an easy-to-use online learning > immunisation requirements platform, and a network of nearly 400 midwifery students situated > Senior First Aid qualification right across Australia. > annual criminal record checks You will enjoy the flexibility of fitting studying around your family > working with children clearances and work commitments, and will need to be disciplined and > fitness-to-practice requirements. committed in making time for study. Practical placements PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION In order to complete the Bachelor of Midwifery, you are required Graduates will be eligible to apply for registration with the Nursing to undertake clinical placements. This provides you with and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) to practice as a midwife invaluable practical experience and the readiness for midwifery in all Australian States or Territories. practice. Placements in the Eastern States have become increasingly more CAREER OPPORTUNITIES difficult to secure since the COVID pandemic. This has resulted in Graduating from this course may lead to career opportunities in some students needing to travel interstate for up to six weeks at a roles including midwifery group practice, homebirth and working time to complete their placement requirements. in public or private hospitals. Continuity of care is a core element of the course so a commitment to out-of-hours and between semester clinical work is required. Students must follow 10 women across the duration of the degree, seeing these women four times antenatally, being on call for birth, and seeing them twice postnatally. These requirements are in addition to placement. These experiences Charles Darwin University 58 2023 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees

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