ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Master of Environmental Management The course is flexible and caters to your individual needs. It balances required knowledge and technical skills, develops SATAC CODE – 1CM089 conceptual skills, and challenges you to apply them to natural Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) resource management within its complex social context. SATAC CODE – 1CM589 PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) Graduates may seek professional membership to associations UAC CODE – 823220 such as the Australian Rangelands Society, Ecological Society of Casuarina, Online (Commonwealth Supported) Australia and Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. UAC CODE – 873220 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Casuarina, Online (Full Fee) Graduating from this course may lead to a career in areas of DURATION – 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time research or environmental and natural resources management, within regional natural resource management agencies, environmental NGOs, Indigenous natural resources management DOMESTIC INTAKE – Semester 1, Semester 2 organisations, consultancy firms and the resources sector. ABOUT THE COURSE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Successful completion of one of the following: The Master of Environmental Management complements your > a recognised bachelor degree or equivalent international existing science qualifications whether you are a graduate starting qualification in a related field; or out or an established professional looking to broaden or deepen > a recognised bachelor degree in an unrelated field plus your professional skill set. completion of a graduate diploma in a related field or You will focus on the principles and practices of Environmental equivalent international qualification. Management, particularly in the context of wet-dry and semi- Related fields include: biological science, earth science, arid tropical ecosystems and arid landscapes. Study will cover environmental engineering, environmental science, geography, livelihoods, spatial science and analysis, and ecology and geographic information or sustainability studies. management of natural resources. Unit selection is flexible within these areas. Professional placements and remote Australia and INHERENT REQUIREMENTS international intensives are also available. Inherent requirements apply to this course. The broad skills, concepts and applications explored in this course See http://www.cdu.edu.au/inherent-requirements for details. are also relevant even if you are working in other ecosystems, and This course is being reviewed and may be amended for 2023. includes a focus on the social context within which environmental management takes place. Charles Darwin University 91 2023 undergraduate and postgraduate degrees